Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Heaven weeps

For the last brother of the Kennedy. Farewell.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Salisbury Cove

We stayed in a cabin near Bar Harbor for two nights. We arrived just before sunset and I braved the mosquitoes to take a few shots across the bay. I got over 10 stings but gladly a few nice shots. They were taken by my 50 years-old Rolleiflex on expired Kodak Portra 160VC.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



盛夏時節參加香港藝術發展局主辦的傳記文學國際研討會,與會者多是大陸學界和文學界人士。我去國廿年,參加過多次海外文學會議,但和大陸同行一起切磋討論 還是首次,頗有「前度劉郎又重來」之感。座間滿眼舊雨新知,老朋友聚首,西窗剪燭,共話當年;至於新鮮面孔,又令我嗟嘆「玄都觀裏桃千樹,盡是劉郎去後 栽」。
會後在港休假,卻說我有一位隔別四十年的知青「農友」早就移居香港,他通過《蘋果日報》與我重建聯繫,近兩年去港我都與他暢敍。這次他問我 想到甚麼地方玩,我說很想重訪二十年前經黃雀行動營救來港住過的庇護屋。我住過多處支聯會安排的庇護所,住得最長的就是西貢黃麖地的一間海邊別墅。朋友說 那裏很偏僻,且多是禁區,好在他親戚是香港水警「沙展」,正守西貢,答應收更後接我們前往。
水警對自己「環頭」果然瞭如指掌,驅車左右盤旋,直抵 黃麖地村。時隔廿載,我一下子認不出當年故居,幸好有「地標」──伸展入海的小棧橋,昔時我們在橋上看日出日落,細數漁舟帆影,天風海濤卻揮不去六四記 憶……而今棧橋依舊,卻被歲月侵蝕得斑駁嶙峋,卵石暴突,無言地提示着悠悠光陰仍未能撫平民族傷痛,真不知還要再等多久,才能挽來萬頃碧波一澆胸中塊壘。
住 在此屋的有北京工自聯成員,有首都新聞界和出版社人士,更多的是學生。除我之外其餘均不懂粵語,支聯會有一「全職保母」照看此營(他後來和營中北京高自聯 骨幹程真漸生情愫,共結連理),不時來看我們的是朱牧師和劉千石。我們被囑咐,黃麖地村民若問起,就說自己是租屋度假的新加坡旅遊者。記憶中從來沒有人問 過,我猜村中鄉紳早知這些人的真實身份。
終有一日被盤問了,卻非村民,而是CID探員。西貢這一隅偷渡客和走私者頗多,警察查得嚴。但住了這麼久 才被盤查,實屬奇迹,我懷疑是政治部打過招呼。我不清楚香港警察的辦事程序,那次他們並沒要求被盤問者出示身份證。然而這宗意外導致支聯會緊急撤營,那晚 朱牧師、劉千石和何俊仁都來了,要大家馬上收拾行李,全營拔寨移至西貢另一間庇護所……歷數我住過的營地,還是對黃麖地記憶最深,從盛夏住到秋凉,對此間 一草一木都留下難以忘懷的印象。

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jason Mraz in Boston

We picked the good one of the two nights for Jason Mraz's show. The other night had a worse weather. I had been here before for Diana Krall's show. I like the venue in that is half outdoor.

It came as a great surprise when he and his drummer appeared on a small stage in the middle of the cheaper seating area after a few songs on the main stage. That put us only ~50 feet from him and everyone was standing on their chairs to get a better look. We had a great time.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bar Harbor and Acadia

We went on to Bar Harbor and Acadia. Acadia is no comparison to Yosemite, but with Sue along, everything gets better. We strolled by the coast, amazed by how many people amazed by the Thunder Hole, picked wild blueberries, Cadillac Mountain (only ~1300 feet tall), the huge motel room, the little cabin, popovers at Jordon Pond, the hidden restaurant by the bay, the whale watch cruise, the little sailboat and the lobster traps. I love you Sue.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best of this summer

It started at NYC. I picked Sue up at JFK and spent a day at NYC. We only planned to go to the ship graveyard at Staten Island and the Guggenheim Museum.

The ship graveyard is now not letting people take photos since someone fell and got hurt. Sue managed to snatch a few before the guy who worked there discovered us and escorted us out.

The ship graveyard of Staten Island, NY

The Guggenheim Museum is having a special exhibit of Frank Lloyd Wright's work for their 50th anniversary. FLW is the architect who designed the museum among other great buildings. The exhibit and the museum itself are impressive, and it made me think about an alternate universe where I got into an architecture school and became an architect. The regular exhibit of this Guggenheim is simply dwarfed by the neighboring MoMA and the Met.

The glass dome of Guggenheim Museum NYC on a redscale Fujifilm Superia 400 film

Between the ship graveyard and Guggenheim we walked the Central Park a little on our way from the subway to the museum. The cloud was gathering and as Ansel Adams had said the sky is most interesting before a thunderstorm. Unfortunately we were caught by the storm when we came out of the Museum.

Central Park West as seen across the reservoir on a redscale Fujifilm Superia 400 film