Monday, September 3, 2007

Google Earth Hidden Flight Simulator

This latest version of Google Earth 4.2 allows you to look up into the sky, look closely at the constellations and nebulae through the pictures acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope.

I was reading today and stumbled into a post that reveals a very cool function of the Google Earth 4.2: a hidden flight simulator. Just go to any location and hit Ctrl+Alt A. This will bring up a window that ask you whether to start flying in either one of 2 airport, or right at the spot you have just selected. Although you can only choose from two type of planes, and the ground features are not as detailed as other commercial flight simulators, the global coverage of Google Earth lets you fly over your own home! I tried that briefly today, and I actually crashed the plane a few miles away my own home in Ipswich! Haha...

For your information, hit Ctrl+H to bring up the keyboard key manual to control the plane.

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