Friday, August 31, 2007



木村 x Gatsby

返到屋企,見細佬又買左一盒Gatsby hair gel,今次係橙色,佢話要試齊六隻色。諗起佢用緊Gatsby隻廣告歌做電話鈴聲,我用屋企電話打比佢,就係要聽下隻歌... 哈哈... 好x正!



GATSBY Moving Rubber

GATSBY - 木村最惡頂的一面


My comment: 好x姣、令人作嘔、極品。4 THUMBS UP!!



Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A terrific free software to view the sky and constellation as seen in numerous location of Earth, even from the moon right from your computer.


Serious reading. Do not disturb.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


AXE 洗潔精 (1980)
staring: 盧脢鵬, 盧大偉, 吳孟達

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Snorkeling in Tongping Chau

I went snorkeling today in Tongping Chau. We had 10 people and a few of them were quite experienced. I had only snorkeled once a few years back. To make sure we stay as a group, each of us needed to pair up with a buddy. I paired up with Sue.

The shore was surprisingly packed with coral and fishes. Although most of the coral are dead, there are still quite many living coral and sea cucumbers. Fishes were zooming around us, some are very pretty, with blue body and yellow tail. There were crabs as big as a small dish hiding at the cracks too. A few of us said the sea was actually a lot prettier than Sabah, Malaysia.

Without my watch on my wrist, I didn't aware that it had been almost 2 hours since we jumped into the water. We walked back to the rental store, which was actually a vocation house rental plus a small deli. They served some really nice dishes. Their chilly oil was superb. The best part is the reasonable price.

Some of us headed off to the sea again after lunch, but I preferred spend some time under the sun on the beach. So Don, Sue and I put on some sun tan oil and laid flat on the sand. Although it drizzled and then rained a bit, we didn't go back. I asked Sue to teach us some yoga poses. She did and we all played yoga right there amid small rain. Don drew a "jump aeroplane" grid on the sand and taught us the proper way to play. I had never known it took so much concentration and skill to play this kid game.

I managed to find a long bench on the ferry and laid flat to have a nap on the way back.

It was plenty of fun.

Lunch menu

每人一碗餐蛋出前一丁(1 cm厚的餐肉)

Thursday, August 23, 2007




撻成一塊 - 壽頭記

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Only You - 唐三藏版
《西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣》- 最後二十秒不容錯過


《唐伯虎點秋香》- 無線電視重播時被剪的精彩片段




《生力啤廣告》 - 型英帥靚正的出處

Sunday, August 19, 2007




乾隆皇帝(1711 - 1799)
1760年作,水墨紙本手卷,25.4 x 82.7厘米



Friday, August 17, 2007

One Flight Down

In Norah Jones' album Come away with me, my favorite is this One Flight Down.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Dr. Luk is retiring and we went out for dinner together after playing squash tonight. We went to the floating restaurant in Shatin and had quite a bit of seafood. Those senior players were talking about the old days when there were only handful of squash courts in Hong Kong, and that the now Squash Center next to Hong Kong Park was a little shabby building with interior temperature closing 40 deg C.

At the end of the meal, there were one piece of desert left because one of us didn't like it. Someone said "the youngest person take it," who was me. It has been a long while since I am not the youngest one in a group.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

We saw The Simpsons Movie Today. It was as hilarious as on TV. Funny lines includes:

1. Homer: I can't believe we're paying to watch something we could see on TV for free! If you ask me, everyone in this theater is a big sucker! Especially, you!

2. The US President Arnold Schwarzenegger: I was elected to LEAD, not to READ.

3. Tom Hanks: Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility so it’s borrowing some of mine.

To make it even more funny, we bought a Homer's donut from Krispy Kreme and ate outside the cinema.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Me, Simpsonized

There are a few stupid but funny games in the web site of The Simpsons Movie, and you can also upload your photos and have yourself Simpsonized. This is me Simpsonized.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Art of Treason

上星期說過九龍皇帝駕崩,早幾天在商務印書館看到一本收錄了曾氏的作品的小畫集,還以為是為著記念曾氏而愴拙推出的劣貨。先翻看頭幾頁和最後幾頁,都看不到悼念曾氏的文字。細看之下,這本畫集原來是由一位認識了曾氏十多年的文化界人氏Joel Chung編寫,在今年七月初,曾灶財入院後出版的。

本書中英對照,但並非純粹中文文本英文翻譯。它的中文是由Joel Chung編寫,而英文則由陶傑執筆。本書的序言也是由陶傑用英文寫出。

本書的英文名稱《The Art of Treason》說明,曾灶財幾十年來,不論在英皇治下,或特府自治之下都自稱九龍皇帝,是可被問叛國之罪。書中有不少篇幅大力評擊政府的官僚作風,將曾氏的大部份作品清洗淨盡。例如位於觀塘翠屏村翠屏道佳廉道交界一幅牆的作品,被房署人員抹去後竟被塗上質素低劣的圖畫,宣傳父慈子孝之道。「更可悲的是,財叔的字跡被抹走之後,取而代之的竟是這般貨色!香港就只有這種水平嗎?再一次證明政府自打咀巴,一邊高嚷保留本土文化,另一邊大力清除本土文化,換上毫無特色的次貨。」「... It was whitewashed away a few days later, then replaced by a propaganda work promoting filial piety. A piece of mediocrity, which echoes well how Hong Kong is being governed after the Chinese takeover.」有幸地,香港還有不少有心人,保留了不少皇帝的墨寶,令它們不至於消失於香港的街道中。

這本《九龍皇帝 The Art of Treason》只是一本小畫集,賣九十五元。雖然它介紹了曾氏的一些背景和他的作品的內容,以一本小型畫集來說訂價仍偏高,但我想也沒想便將它買下來。算是收藏,也是對曾氏、所有令這本書得以出版的人和本土文化的支持。希望所有真正愛香港的人也買一本,支持這些有熱誠的有心人。

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ndebele Art

I was strolling in Page One and flipping books. I came across a few interesting books, one of which is a illustration of the house paintings of Ndebele.

Ndebele is a tribe in the central plain of South Africa. The women started painting on their war as an expression of their grief over a defeat from a neighboring tribe Boer back in the 18th century. The art passed down through the mothers, and a well-painted periphery is a show-off of the good wife and mother residing inside.

The book I came across is named Ndebele: The Art of an African Tribe, illustrated and written by Magaret Countney-Clarke, a photojournalist who has devoted much of her career to the people and culture of Africa. It was first published in 1986 and that was a new edition I was reading. I was so impressed by the coloration and geometric features of those house paintings. As wikipedia put it:
The patterns and symbols can be seen today with a rich black outline and a vivid color inside. There are five main colors represented in these wall paintings which are: red and dark red, yellow to gold, a sky blue, green, and sometimes pink. The colors give an intensified symbolic meaning to the Ndebele. They can mean status or power of the home's owners, offer prayer, announce a marriage in the home, or can even represent a current protest. These wall painting express an abstract meaning with no real reference to any specific characteristic of their homes.

Although the author states clearly that the book is not intended to be an anthropological study but a plain record of the form of art, the book indeed inspires people to pay more attention to this unique and colorful form of art, which is one of a few living art in Africa.

Thursday, August 2, 2007



香港話劇團的網頁如是說:《暗戀》和《桃花源》,兩個不相干的劇組,都與劇場簽定了當晚綵排的合約。雙方爭執不下,誰也不肯相讓。演出在即,他們不得不同時在劇場中綵排,還成就了一 齣古今相對,悲喜交錯的舞台奇觀,讓觀眾在劇場裡笑了又哭、哭了又笑......

這是香港特別行政區成立十周年紀念*活動的其中一項。我們看的是香港版,上星期上演了「三地聯演版」。因為《暗戀桃花源》的故事是兩個話劇團因為場地安排 上的錯誤被迫同時在同一個舞台上排練兩個劇《暗戀》和《桃花源》,所以「三地聯演版」之中,《暗戀》由中國國家話劇團演出,而《桃花源》則由香港話劇團演 出,可說是真的由兩個劇團在香港文化中文大劇院爭台。但這「三地聯演版」的戲票一個月前已經售清,我們看了這天香港版的第一場,當中有些很香港context的gags,可能不會在「三地聯演版」中看到。


