Spring is here
It snowed again this morning but turned into rain in the afternoon. It was just snowing a few days ago, very wet snow.
The temperature is going up finally. Hope it be a good year.
I used to have a little diary, but I only wrote on it when I was gloomy. Now I will record every encounter of mine here.
It snowed again this morning but turned into rain in the afternoon. It was just snowing a few days ago, very wet snow.
The temperature is going up finally. Hope it be a good year.
Posted by Hong at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
明朝劉伯溫所寫之「燒餅歌」,與唐朝司天監 ( 當時的天文官)李淳風及袁天罡所推算著作而成的「推背圖」,同為我國古代神奇預言之書。舉凡唐朝建國,到宋、元、明、清、推翻滿清、日本侵華、政府遷台等,無不在其預言中。
西元一三六八年,明太祖朱元璋某日早上在內殿吃燒餅,才剛咬下一口時,宮內太監火速緊急來報,說護國軍師劉伯溫晉見。這時明太祖朱元璋突然想起: 「「自元朝順帝十九年,劉伯溫助我一臂之力以來,一直到收復漢室江山為止,共九載寒暑,大小戰役無數,尤其五年前與陳友諒六十萬大軍會戰於鄱陽一役,軍師 用兵如神,以寡擊眾,好比諸葛孔明再世。果真劉伯溫有如此神算,朕倒要好好測試一番。」
先到之人得安穩,後到之人半路送 ,
摘自: http://homepage2.seed.net.tw/web@3/xplanet/liubowen.htm
Posted by Hong at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: in chinese, Reading
台 灣 的 民 主 , 是 無 可 辯 駁 的 事 實 , 台 灣 人 不 是 奴 隸 , 中 華 民 國 今 天 享 有 中 國 三 千 年歷 史 上 從 未 享 有 的 人 權 和 自 由 。 更 重 要 的 是 , 馬 英 九 是 一 位 君 子 , 不 是 秦 始 皇 、 朱 元 璋 、 明 成 祖 、 萬 曆 皇 帝 、 慈 禧 太 后 一 類 帝 皇 , 殘 暴 陰 險 , 愚 昧 昏 庸 。 這 張 臉 孔 和 這 副 性 格 , 打 破 了 長 夜 的 黑 暗 , 是 中 國 領 袖 史 上 的 全 新 景 觀 , 如 果 治 國 成 功 , 更 打 破 中 國 知 識 分 子 永 遠 只 能 做 屈 原 諸 葛 的 帝 主 附 庸 , 君 子 可 以 成 為 民 主 的 領 袖 , 真 正 是 選 賢 與 能 , 是 禮 運 大 同 的 古 遠 理 想 。
但 願 馬 先 生 再 進 一 步 , 振 興 中 華 文 化 正 在 消 亡 的 高 尚 價 值 觀 : 誠 信 、 道 義 、 慈 愛 、勇 氣 、 公 義 、 人 情 味 , 勿 讓 日 本 人 專 美 , 這 一 切 , 只 能 在 蔣 經 國 先 生 守 護 過 的 這 片寶 地 , 還 剩 下 幾 顆 種 子 。 如 此 期 許 , 可 能 是 奢 望 , 但 馬 英 九 的 良 和 方 正 、 憨 直 清 廉, 本 來 不 宜 在 政 圈 營 生 , 但 今 日 台 灣 的 民 氣 思 變 , 認 同 馬 英 九 的 正 氣 , 就 有 改 變 宿 命 的 可 能 。 是 難 得 的 歷 史 良 機 , 只 要 相 信 人 性 善 良 , 而 民 主 是 符 合 人 性 的 國 際 潮 流, 也 就 會 希 望 天 佑 中 華 命 脈 , 台 灣 在 馬 英 九 的 領 導 下 , 建 設 成 一 個 自 由 繁 榮 的 君 子之 邦 , 不 論 等 多 久 , 垂 範 一 個 終 將 誕 生 的 光 明 祥 樂 的 明 日 中 國 。
摘自《蘋果日報》2008年3月23日 陶傑《星期天休息》
台 灣 今 屆 大 選 結 果
當 選 : 馬 英 九 蕭 萬 長 ( 國 民 黨 )
得 票 數 ( 得 票 率 ) : 7,658,724 ( 58.45% )
落 選 : 謝 長 廷 蘇 貞 昌 ( 民 進 黨 )
得 票 數 ( 得 票 率 ) : 5,445,239 ( 41.55% )
勝 出 票 數 : 2,213,485
選 民 人 數 : 17,321,622
投 票 人 數 : 13,221,609
投 票 率 : 76.33%
Posted by Hong at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: in chinese, news
A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath.
'Mom', he asked, 'Are these my brains?'
'Not yet,' she replied.
Posted by Hong at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun
From rootsgpk.blogspot.com
A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she placed an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand.
Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk.
She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching.
For weeks the two of them worked hard and the ranch was doing very well.
Then one day, the rancher's widow said 'You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great. You should go into town and kick up your heels.'
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town on Saturday night.
He returned around 2:30 am, and upon entering the room, he found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him.
She quietly called him over to her.
'Unbutton my blouse and take it off,' she said. Trembling, he did as she directed.
'Now take off my boots.' He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
'Now take off my socks.' He removed each gently and placed them neatly by her boots.
'Now take off my skirt.' He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her eyes in the firelight.
'Now take off my bra.' Again, with trembling hands did as he was told and dropped it to the floor.
Then she looked at him and said: 'If you ever wear my clothes into town again, you're fired!'
Posted by Hong at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun
42°39'1.36"N, 70°49'18.33"W
Posted by Hong at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
I have finally turned in both demo rackets. I like the Head Nano Ti120, but I figured it is still a bit too bouncy for control. I will get use to it but it will take some time. In fact, I am getting a really good feel with my Liquid Metal 150. Just the right amount of power and very good control. I can put the ball any where I aim it most the time these days, and put off my squash buddies quite a bit. So I decided to buy the same racket as a backup, but squashgear.com does not sell it anymore. I turned to the 120 of the same series, which Paul is using. It feels pretty much like my 150 but lighter in weight. Even better for touches.
Posted by Hong at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
This morning my boss asked me why I worked extra hard on this project. I told him the discovery I made was very interesting, and I wanted to finished the product development as soon as I could so that I could work on the science.
I worked into late hours at night 7 days a week these days. My only diversion is squash. Four times a week, one hour at a time. Sophie starts calling me workaholic now.
Posted by Hong at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Junichi's wife and son came over and wrapped up Junichi's belongs and apartment last week. I met them briefly at work. Junichi's wife looked weak but in good spirit. His son was younger than I thought. She said her cancer was almost gone and she was feeling alright. She was quite happy when she told me that her daughter is having another baby. Kinship after all is the strength that gives us strength amid tides and storms.
Posted by Hong at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: friends, My thought
Sophie loves cats. Someone gave her a calendar called "Utterly Adorable Cats 2008".
For January, it says "I own the house - they just pay the mortgage."
Posted by Hong at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun
During coffee time I picked up an old issue of Nature (Feb 8, 2008). There has been a proposition of a presidential debate of Science (www.sciencedebate2008.com) wherein the US presidential candidates debate their stands in science topics ranging from climate change and teaching intelligent design in science class. Scientists of high-profile and others have signed for the good cause. David Goldston, now a visiting professor at Harvard University, questions in his column whether it is appropriate to put science, especially funding appropriation into the spotlight at such a national level. He points out that National Science Foundation (NSF) has been enjoying a relatively moderate and healthy growth of budget and peaceful operation, whereas NASA stands at the other extreme where not only its budget but almost every moves are constantly monitored under the microscopes of the congress and the public. Goldston also pointed out that the doubling of NIH's budget from 1998 to 2003 was aggravated by political pressure, resulting in a surge in research money and an inflated biomedical research community now complaining insufficient funding and lack of new researchers.
Goldston instead proposes to have a debate of policy on science and have the candidates reinstate the integrity of science in devising policies, an issue Bush infuriated scientists at home and abroad and the major reason of this advocation for a presidential science debate, within one of the national presidential debates. He believes that categorizing science funding as a domestic spending will do more good to the scientific community than turning it into a politics football.
Posted by Hong at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: social
When you look back, how your life unfolds most the time does not depend on your capability but the choices you made. You choose to sit by the window on the bus; you choose to go out with this girl. Even if you thought you didn't have a choice but take your only job offer, you had made the choice to apply for it to begin with. These choices may take you down a very different path, or a few paths actually go to the same place. Sometime you cannot see where the path leads you to, but most the time you can get a rough idea where it takes you. But you have no idea whether you are going to have a relax scenery stroll or an unpleasant walk across the dumpsters. And you can choose to go all the way down the path, take a turn at the cross-road or even walk back to where you start and make another choice. There is no correct path, only one that suits you and makes you happy. It is all about choice. The more choices you have made, and if you look back and think enough about them, the wiser you will become.
Posted by Hong at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: My thought
I went back to the squash court today after over a week's break. My flu was not cleared but I felt I should do something to boost my circulation. I came short of breath, mostly because I couldn't breath with my nose properly and my chest couldn't expand as well as it should be, and I started sweating from the back of my neck but not the forehead. These are all indicative I was still not recovered, and I gave 3 games away to Joe. I usually lose 1 or 2 to him in 6 games. But I felt whole lot better after playing. The day when I could just play squash for an hour or two and recover from a flu has long gone. And it seems that I am needing more and more time to recover. Luckily, I am still getting knocked down by flu less than once a year.
Finally I ordered two demo rackets from squashgear.com today. They cost $18 + $5 for shipping. It is a very good and new service from them. You would definitely want to try them out before spending > $120 for a piece.
Head Nano Ti 120
Dunlop Aerogel Pro GT
Posted by Hong at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Just come across a squash video on youtube. Jonathan Power vs Amr Shabana. Prabably the Wind City Open in 2007. It is a fantastic rally with a beautiful finish. Good footwork, good tactics. Every serious squash player should look and learn.
Posted by Hong at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Posted by Hong at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: in chinese, news, social
I got cold sores on my lips and inside my noses. They are Herpes simplex virus infections. Today I saw a doctor and she said I might have it all the time and they only grew crazily now because I was having a flu (and/or stomach flu, i.e. norovirus) such that my immunity was low. She told me to buy some Abreva from the pharmacy, and that turned out to cost $20 a piece.
Influenza and/or norovirus + HSV. I am still having indigestion and that makes me even weaker to fight these viruses. I am becoming a breeding ground of viruses, and telling everyone to stay away from me.
Posted by Hong at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
I am quite foreseeing to spend only 1 day in the mountain. Today I have fever and stuffed stomach, sore muscle and general weakness. I was thinking whether I had eaten too much beef steak last night after skiing. I had 2 and a half pieces of roast beef as big as 1 feet long... The beef was awesome.. But I forgot I use to have stuff stomach and fever-like symptoms if I eat too much of protein at a time. I look up wikipedia and my symptoms quite match those of Norovirus infection, except that I don't have diarrhea or abdominal pain.
Sign.. my fever was gone after sleeping through the morning and eating a banana and a few dried plums. But then I wanted to eat more and ate a cup of yogurt. That was a mistake.. My stomach is still unable to handle so much of milk protein... and I am having fever and stuffed stomach again...
The good news is the disease is self-limiting and only lethal to children and elderlies and immunologically compromised people. I think I do not fall into any of these categories yet. I hope miso soap and warm water can make me heal faster. Even at home I was cold all day and only feel warm enough after I had put on my down jacket zipped.
Posted by Hong at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life