另一方面,大英博物館從秦始皇兵馬俑博物館借得120具兵馬俑(Terracotta) ,由今年9月13至明年4月6日展出。 大英博物館館長指出,「 重點不僅在兵馬俑上,而是秦始皇 。 」
這是刊登在大英博物館的網頁的介紹:This once-in-a-lifetime exhibition will explore one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century and provide an insight into China’s First Emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, and his legacy. Objects featured in the exhibition will include a number of the world-famous terracotta warriors from Xi'an, China, which were buried alongside the First Emperor in readiness for the afterlife, as well as some of the most striking recent discoveries made on the site. In introducing the idea of a unified state and effectively creating China in 221 BC, the First Emperor of Qin created what is today the oldest surviving political entity in the world. How that state has survived, developed and is viewed today will be explored through events, lectures and debates around the exhibition.
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