Friday, July 25, 2008

Berlins vs Berlin

While Barack Obama was giving a speech in Tiergarten of Berlin to thousands of Berliners, John McCain aired radio ads in every town called Berlin in the US. They were 60s ads accusing Obama's voting against allocating money for the army. I have not heard the any of the ads, but it sounds more like a joke than real. BBC news takes a very neutral ground on this:

The McCain campaign's recent decision to air radio adverts in the towns of Berlin, Pennsylvania, Berlin, New Hampshire and Berlin, Wisconsin was also thought to be a pointed reference to Mr Obama's foreign travels.

This may seem making fun at the Obama campaign, but this childish move may backfire the McCain campaign at some point.


From Yahoo! News:

The reference (of the radio ads) is to Obama's vote on May 24, 2007, against a $120 billion appropriation, most of it for troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama had voted for a similar bill weeks earlier that required the administration to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by Oct. 1, 2007. That bill passed, but President Bush vetoed it. The legislation that replaced it contained no withdrawal language and it passed 80-14 with Obama among the dissenters.

At the time of that vote, Obama issued a statement: "After he vetoed a plan that would have funded the troops and begun to bring them home, this bill represents more of his stubborn refusal to address his failed policy. We should not give the President a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path."

So Obama does support the troop financially, but with a plan to pull them out from Iraq.

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