Sunday, April 12, 2009

Paddling on Ipswich River

Spring is still reluctant to come. But we have to get prepared for the canoe race. It is only 2 weeks away. Dan and I went to Ipswich River and paddled a bit. I needed to practice my steering also.

At one point we came across a couple of nesting ducks. Dan said we would get killed if we ran into their territory. We drifted slowly by them, but the male duck didn't take a chance and flew at us and yelled at us (literally), trying to chase us away.

Dan also spotted beavers twice. Freaking sharp eyes.

I brought my underwater camera Nikonos-V along and took a few photos on the boat. This camera is truly a tank. It also has some funky orange color rubber on its body for practical reason. It is just beautiful.

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