Thursday, March 1, 2007


It has been a while not writing. Life is really busy in HK. Work, meeting friends, squash, etc. You really need to manage your time so as not to waste it.

After playing squash today, my buddy and I went to another squash buddy's home to see his baby son. Both of these 2 friends have just had their first baby sons 2-3 months ago. Their topics, although they are men, are how much milk to feed every time, what kind of lotion to put on to the baby, how many clothes to put on the baby when going out, etc, etc.

Life comes in stages, and the stages are connected by steps, not slopes. Some of the steps are quite subtle. I have a few goals. Although I am not a good planner, I have achieved these goals somehow. I hope luck will stay with me.

p.s. It really takes some time and bitter encounters to learn things. Hope it is what people call wisdom.

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